Our theory of change

Goal #1

Improve smallholder farmers' livelihoods

Livelihoods are difficult to define, and even harder to improve. Based on research on Timorese smallholder households, we seek to improve livelihoods in the following way. The theory is dynamic, and will be adjusted based on local conditions.

Challenge #1

Low and unstable income


Pay a 100% price premium

Pay a higher unity price in years with low yields


Increased net household income

Stable income enables the household to invest in education and the farm.

Challenge #2

High level of malnutrition


Substitute fortified nutrients

Educate households on healthy diets and nutrients needed


Reduced level of stuntedness

A more diverse intake of nutrients

Challenge #3

Vulnerable to natural disasters


Establish an emergency fund through cooperatives

Educate local communities on measures to mitigate risks to floods and landslides. Implement effective measures.


Access to capital after a natural disaster

Reduced vulnerability to natural disasters

In 2022, Kria dalan conducted a flood project in Lemorana. The village was heavily affected by the 2021 flood, including one causality and many households losing everything they had. The project sought to increase local competence on preventive flood measures.

Goal #2

Build a sustainable, Timorese-based business

Many specialty coffee value chains in Timor-Leste are managed by foreigners. We believe it is important for the future of Timorese coffee that value chains are managed and governed by Timorese.

Challenge #1

Lack of knowledge / insight into exports and world markets


Education on global value chains, consumption trends and patterns

Improve English proficiency


Establish relationships with importers in consumption markets

Challenge #2

Lack of access to venture capital


Konfiansa Norway pays a premium to Konfiansa Timor-Leste, financing growth and organizational development.


Konfiansa Timor-Leste can grow organically without expensive finance.


Lack of knowledge on best practices


Education on 'cup of excellence' and the relationship between farming practices and cup score.


Konfiansa Timor-Leste can guide and educate farmers to produce specialty coffee

Do you think relationship coffee interventions contribute in a positive or negative way?

I think it is good? after the independence, they ensured a market for coffee. But we need to give more power to the farmers. 

What do you mean by power? 

Ownership. We must prepare locals to take over and manage the structures and exports. […] We should let the locals run the business, and have their own creativity.

Do you believe some of these interventions constrain Timorese creativity? 

One must make a reflection if a community can take ownership. But I think it is time, it has been 20 years already (since independence). It is not sustainable if the industry remains dependent on these structures.

From an interview with a Timorese industry actor, 2023