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Our philosophy
We want to be a different coffee player.
Here you can read how.
Measure #1
Better living conditions for coffee farmers
Living conditions are difficult to both define and improve. Based on research on Timorese coffee farmers and their households, we want to develop the following areas:
Challenge #1
Low and unstable income
Pay a premium of 100 %
Paying a higher unit price in low production years
Increase net household income
Stable income that enables investments in your own farm or education
Challenge #2
High degree of malnutrition
Finance food with added nutritional content
Educate households about healthy and nutritious food.
Reduced level of chronic malnutrition
A more diverse nutritional intake
Challenge #3
Vulnerable to natural disasters
Establish an emergency fund
Educate locals about various measures that can reduce the dangers of floods and landslides. Implement effective measures.
Access to capital in the aftermath of a disaster
Reduced vulnerability to disasters
In 2022, Kria dalan carried out a flood project in Lemorana. The village was severely affected by the 2021 flood, including one death and many families losing everything they owned. The aim of the project was to increase local expertise in preventive flood measures.
Measure #2
Establish a sustainable, locally managed export company
Many value chains within specialty coffee in East Timor are run by foreign forces. We believe it is important for the future of East Timor that several value chains are led and managed by East Timorese themselves.
Challenge #1
Lack of knowledge and insight into exports and global markets
Education about global value chains and consumer trends
Improve English skills
Establish relationships with importers in consumer markets.
Challenge #2
Lack of access to risk capital
Konfiansa Norway invests in Konfiansa Timor-Leste and pays a premium when buying coffee.
Konfiansa Timor-Leste can grow without external funding
Challenge #3
Lack of knowledge about 'best-practices'
Education about the ?cup of excellence? and the connection between quality, cup score and farm practices.
Konfiansa Timor-Leste can help farmers to produce high quality coffee.
It is not sustainable if the industry remains dependent on these structures.